iPhone Wallpaper goodness
If you've got an iPhone (and if you're a designer, there's a 74.3% probability that you do have one), you'll be wanting it to look super lovely at all times. So how about some tasty'n'free wallpaper for it? We've been playing around creating a series of wallpapers of our own (that's a few of them shown above), and you can check out the full collection on our Flickr set. You might also want to take a look at the lovely Poolga site, which collects wallpapers from designers and illustrators all over the world for your viewing and downloading pleasure. And the ever brilliant type and image library Veer have got a fine collection too. We're guessing there must be stacks more out there, so if you know of any, or have some killer ones of your own, drop us a link in the comments. Sharing is good.